【前沿进展 】PE荧光标记蛋白,打造更完善的CAR流式检测方案
藻胆蛋白(Phycobiliproteins)是海藻中最具代表性的蛋白类天然产物,主要包括藻红蛋白、藻蓝蛋白、别藻蓝蛋白和藻红蓝蛋白四类,其中,R-藻红蛋白(R-Phycoerythrin,R-PE)是应用最为广泛的藻胆蛋白之一, 其保守、相对稳定的结构以及优良的光学性能等,使得R-PE作为荧光标记物质在免疫检测、荧光显微技术和流式细胞荧光测定等方面具有广阔的应用前景。
PE 的 α 亚基(a)和 β 亚基(b)及所携带的色素分子的示意图
▶ PE在PH 4~11之间的光谱没有明显变化,性质稳定;
▶ 斯托克斯位移大:PE的斯托克斯位移一般为80 nm,而人工合成的荧光素斯托克斯位移一般都小于30 nm;
▶ 藻红蛋白的荧光强度是普通荧光素的30~100倍,荧光量子产率高达98%,荧光发射通常位于橙红光区,这就很大程度地减少了背景荧光的干扰,检测灵敏度高;
▶ PE等电点在 4.7 左右,在生理环境中通常带负电,而细胞中的生物大分子表面一般也带负电,在极大程度上降低了藻胆蛋白与大分子物质发生非特异性吸附的可能性;
基于藻红蛋白PE的特色优势,可将其标记靶点蛋白后用于细胞治疗药物开发的多个场景,如使用流式检测CAR细胞阳性率、PK 研究、通过IHC技术在组织水平下检测CAR细胞药物的浸润分布情况等,是细胞治疗药物开发过程中不可或缺的重要试剂,为满足细胞治疗产品质控和临床样本分析更高质量标准的检测要求,ACROBiosystems百普赛斯依托Star Staining新一代荧光定点标记技术平台开发了一系列独具特色的PE荧光标记CAR靶点蛋白,在保持PE荧光特色优势的前提下,还可最大程度的维持蛋白的天然构象和活性,并保证标记产品性能的高度均一性和批间一致性。
Star Staining新一代荧光定点标记技术示意图
ACROBiosystems百普赛斯Star Staining新一代定点标记技术平台开发的高质量荧光标记蛋白,可保持蛋白的天然构象,不影响蛋白活性,均一性好、批间一致性高。“星级”的研发实力,“星级”的技术平台及产品,Star Staining专为CAR-T细胞质控和临床样本分析检测而设计。
✍ 高活性:Star Staining PE荧光标记CD19蛋白经流式验证可高特异检测CD19 CAR表达
5e5 of anti-CD19 CAR-293 cells were stained with 100 μL of 1:50 dilution (2 μL stock solution in 100 μL FACS buffer) of PE-Labeled Human CD19 (20-291), His Tag (Cat. No. CD9-HP2H5) and negative control protein respectively (Fig. C and B), and non-transfected 293 cells were used as a control (Fig. A). PE signal was used to evaluate the binding activity (QC tested).

✍ 极低非特异:Star Staining PE荧光标记BCMA蛋白经未转染CAR的PBMC细胞双染批检验证,无非特异背景问题,特异性显著高于竞品,保证CAR表达检测结果的特异性和准确性,适用于CAR细胞临床样本分析
Non-specific binding to non-transduced PBMCs between PE-Labeled Human BCMA Protein of ACROBiosystmes and competitor. 5e5 of non-transduced PBMCs were stained with PE -Labeled Human BCMA Protein (Cat. No. BCA-HP2H7) and anti-CD3 antibody, washed and then analyzed with FACS. FITC signal was used to evaluate the expression of CD3+ T cells in non-transduced PBMCs, and PE signal was used to evaluate the non-specific binding activity to non-transduced PBMCs.

✍ 高稳定性:25℃条件下加速48h和反复冻融三次,依然可保持较高的生物活性,显示出PE标记蛋白的高度稳定性,可放心储存和使用
PE-Labeled Human BCMA (Cat. No. BCA-HP2H7) at 25℃ for 48 hours and freeze-throw cycles are stable without performance reduction.

CAR靶点分子 | 货号 | 产品描述 |
CD19 | CD9-HP2H5 | PE-Labeled Human CD19 (20-291) Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
BCMA | BCA-HP2H7 | PE-Labeled Human BCMA / TNFRSF17 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
Mesothelin | MSN-HP2H8 | PE-Labeled Human Mesothelin / MSLN (296-580) Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
Siglec-2 | SI2-HP2H5 | PE-Labeled Human Siglec-2 / CD22 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
Glypican 3 | GP3-HP2H9 | PE-Labeled Human Glypican 3 / GPC3 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
Her2 | HE2-HP2H8 | PE-Labeled Human Her2 / ErbB2 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
CD7 | CD7-HP2H6 | PE-Labeled Human CD7 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
Siglec-3 | CD3-HP2H7 | PE-Labeled Human Siglec-3 / CD33 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
EGFRvIII | EGI-HP2H6 | PE-Labeled Human EGFRvIII Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
EGF R | EGR-HP2H7 | PE-Labeled Human EGF R Protein, His Tag Star Staining |
CD27 Ligand | CDL-HP246 | PE-Labeled Human CD27 Ligand / CD70 Protein, His Tag Star Staining |