

脑类器官(Cerebral Organoids)

Organoid ToolboX


脑类器官(Cerebral Organoids)是通过将干细胞(通常是诱导多能干细胞,iPSC)培养在特定的培养基中,逐渐分化成神经细胞和神经胶质细胞而形成的复杂的三维结构,类似于胚胎发育过程中的脑组织。脑类器官可以形成具有多种神经细胞类型、神经网络连接和一定活动功能的结构,提供了一种更真实、更可控的模型系统,对神经科学研究具有重要意义,可用于研究人脑的发育、结构和功能,以及神经系统疾病的机制。




Aneuro作为专注脑与神经领域和创新解决方案的品牌,最新推出Organoid Toolbox类器官解决方案:即用型类器官,类器官分化试剂盒,以及类器官定制开发、基于类器官的疾病模型开发和类器官分析检测服务等,全面加速您的科学研究和药物研发项目进程。

Organoid ToolboX








Human iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoid Kit


Human iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoid Differentiation Kit


Human iPSC-Derived Cerebral Organoid Maintenance Kit


  • 高效分化:使用我们的脑类器官分化试剂盒轻松获取多种细胞类型的脑类器官

When using our cerebral organoid differentiation kit,

When using our cerebral organoid differentiation kit, no Matrigel is needed to differentiate iPSCs into cerebral organoids and takes about three months to have abundant cell types including oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, dopaminergic neurons and GABA neurons.

  • 长期培养的脑类器官:中心细胞无凋亡

Left: Early-stage cerebral organoid show rosette-like structures (neural stem cells)

Left: Early-stage cerebral organoid show rosette-like structures (neural stem cells), which become smaller as organoids develop. Right: Day 109 cerebral organoids show uniform morphology and show no dead core inside.

  • 早期脑类器官:表达TUJ1神经元标志物

Immunostaining of early-stage Cerebral Organoids

Immunostaining of early-stage Cerebral Organoids

Presence of NESTIN positive cells and positive cells in early stage (day 36) cerebral organoid. TUJ1 (beta III Tubulin), early-stage neuronal marker. NESTIN: a cytoskeletal intermediate filament characterized in neural stem cells.

  • 培养92天的脑类器官:表达TH和MAP2阳性神经元

Immunostaining of day 92 Cerebral Organoids

Presence of TH and MAP2 positive neurons in day 92 cerebral organoid. TH: used as cell marker of dopaminergic neurons. MAP2: mature neuron cell marker.

  • 培养109和119天的脑类器官:表达GFAP和OLIG2标志物

Immunostaining of Cerebral Organoids show expression of glia cell markers

Immunostaining of Cerebral Organoids show expression of glia cell markers

Left: Presence of GFAP positive cells at day 109 cultured cerebral organoid. Right: Presence of OLIG2 positive cells at day 119 cultured cerebral organoid. GFAP: marker for astrocyte. OLIG2: marker for oligodendrocyte.

  • 培养147天的脑类器官:表达 IBA1标志物

Immunostaining of Cerebral Organoids show expression of IBA1 marker

Immunostaining of Cerebral Organoids show expression of IBA1 marker

Presence of TH and IBA1 positive cell in day 147 cultured cerebral organoid. IBA1: cell marker for microglia.

  • 脑类器官的RNA-Seq分析揭示多神经元和神经胶质细胞标志物的表达

RNA-Seq analysis of cerebral organoids at different stages

RNA-Seq analysis of cerebral organoids at different stages

RNA-Seq analysis of cerebral organoid of day 13, day 44 and day 100, showing the expression of many markers for glutamatergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic, serotonergic and GABAergic neuron. In addition, glia cell markers were also expressed.

  • 多种电生理手段验证脑类器官的自发放电神经元活动

Electrophysiology analysis of cerebral organoids

Electrophysiology analysis of cerebral organoids

A: patch-clamp recording of excitatory neurons sectioned from cerebral organoids at day 102. Excitatory neuron showed stable response to step injection currents. B: Recording of cerebral organoid (day 60) using silicon probe. Neurons showed spontaneous activities and different waveforms. C: MEA recording indicated spontaneous bursting activities for cerebral organoid (day 86)."


  • 脑类器官用于模拟帕金森疾病:Alpha-synuclein PFFs给药损伤多巴胺能神经元

Alpha-synuclein Preformed fibril treatment on Cerebral organoid to model Parkinson’s disease

Alpha-synuclein Preformed fibril treatment on Cerebral organoid to model Parkinson’s disease

Using cerebral organoids for modelling Parkinson\'s Disease. Cerebral organoids are treated with Human Alpha-Synuclein Pre-formed Fibrils Protein (Ca. No. ALN-H51H4). Dopaminergic neurons and MAP2 positive neurons are damaged with both 0.1μM and 1μM Alpha-Synuclein Pre-formed Fibrils.

  • 脑类器官用于筛选AAV衣壳:获得最强脑靶向性衣壳

AAVs capsid screening on Cerebral organoids

AAVs capsid screening on Cerebral organoids

AAVs selection using cerebral organoids: Different capsid of AAVs were incubated with cerebral organoids. As the results, different affinities of each AAV to the cerebral organoid were observed.

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Organoid Toolbox更多产品即将上线,敬请期待



Aneuro是ACROBiosystems百普赛斯专注于神经科学领域的品牌,致力于通过先进技术和高质量产品及服务,满足神经科学研究者在神经领域的多样化需求,从而加速对神经系统疾病的理解和药物开发进程。我们的产品包括用于神经退行性疾病的重组蛋白、用于细胞培养的神经因子、用于疾病建模的预制前体纤维以及用于电生理学研究的先进工具。此外,我们的Organoid Toolbox可帮助您构建类器官从而探索类器官应用的无限可能。


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