TPO/SCF/Flt3L: 支持造血干/祖细胞(HSPC)体外生成与扩增重要因子
造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cell, HSPC)是一类成体组织干细胞,其功能定义是具有自我更新(即通过细胞分裂产生子代HSPC)和多能分化(即产生任何成熟的成人造血细胞类型)潜力的细胞。因其独特的生物学特性,目前HSPC的应用被分为两个方向:一是利用HSPC的自我更新、运动迁移等能力,用干细胞进行回输治疗而发展出的干细胞移植技术和干细胞基因治疗,目前这两种技术已被用于治疗血液系统良恶性疾病、实体肿瘤(如视神经母细胞瘤)、Fanconi贫血等多种疾病。二是由于HSPC可通过定向分化产生淋巴系和髓系等造血祖细胞,进而大量增殖分化成各类成熟的功能性细胞,常作为诱导多能性干细胞(iPSC)向免疫细胞分化的主要中间阶段之一。
Fig1. The haematopoietic hierarchy and genetic disorders
Fig2. Components of ex vivo HSPC culture systems
作为HSPC体外扩增优化策略之一,上世纪90年代首次报道了使用不同细胞因子组合扩增HSPC的方法。Takahiro等测试了单一细胞因子和细胞因子组合培养的HSPC细胞的长期再生能力。结果显示,在这些细胞因子中,干细胞因子(stem cell factor,SCF)、酪氨酸激酶3配体(fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand,FLT3-L)和血小板生成素(thrombopoietin,TPO)以及IL-6和可溶性IL-6受体复合物(IL-6/sIL-6R)的组合形式:SCF+FL+TPO+IL-6/sIL-6R是使细胞扩增倍数最多、干细胞标志物CD45表达量最高的方式,这种因子组合也是目前公认在HSPC早期阶段起诱导自我更新和促进体外扩增的常见扩增培养策略。
Fig3. 细胞因子组合培养策略

GMP Grade SCF(GMP-SCFH25), TPO(GMP-THNH25), FLT3L(GMP-FLLH28), FGF basic (GMP-FGCH17) and VEGF165 (GMP-VE5H23) could significantly promote the iPSC differentiation to HSPCs after 14 days, highly expressed hematopoietic stem cell markers CD34 and CD45.
Cellular morphology during HSPC differentiation. Embryoid bodies were formed with iPSCs in mTeSR-plus at Day 0-1. Then HSPC differentiation was carried out with BMP4, VEGF, FGF2, SCF, TPO, Flt3L and other factors in StemPro®-34 SFM Complete Medium for another 13 days. At Day 14, HSPCs were collected from both suspension cells and remaining embryoid bodies. Scale bar, 500 μm
GMP Grade TPO (GMP-THNH25) is crucial for the expansion of human CD34+ hematopoietic cells cultured with medium containing GMP Grade SCF (GMP-SCFH25) and Flt-3 Ligand (GMP-FLLH28). The cell viability was checked with a luminescent cell viability detection reagent.
GMP Grade SCF (GMP-SCFH25), FLT3L (GMP-FLLH28), IL-3 (GMP-L03H18) and IL- 6 (GMP-L06H27) could support the rapid cell expansion and good cell viability of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells.

货号 | 产品描述 |
GMP Human Thrombopoietin Protein | |
GMP Human SCF Protein | |
GMP Human Flt-3 Ligand Protein | |
GMP Human IL-3 Protein | |
GMP Human IL-6 Protein | |
GMP Human FGF basic Protein | |
GMP Human VEGF165 Protein |

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