

T淋巴细胞在人体免疫系统中扮演重要的角色,利用特定类型T细胞的固有功能来对抗疾病已成为革命性的技术手段。常见的T cell-based therapy有CAR-T疗法、TCR-T疗法等,这些疗法在患者中产生了持久且有效的临床反应。然而,T细胞的体外大量快速扩增仍是这一领域最大的挑战之一。


CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium

ACROBiosystems百普赛斯专注于支持免疫细胞疗法相关研究和工艺生产,自主研发的CelThera™ GMP级T细胞培养基采用创新的化学限定配方,不含血清和动物源成分,专注于提升T细胞培养的稳定性与可控性,结合细胞因子的完美支持,助力高效T细胞扩增,满足临床及商业化规模的严格要求。我们通过在多种规模化体系下的全面验证,包括6孔板、T225培养瓶和3L体系,展现了其在不同生产场景中的卓越适用性,为全球T细胞疗法的商业化生产提供了科学依据和强有力的技术支持。


  • 化学成分限定、无动物源、高批间一致性;

  • 无需血清或血替添加;

  • 达到CD4+/CD8+=1:1的时间更短;

  • 更快促进细胞中TN/SCM比例增加;

  • 促进T细胞、CAR-T细胞、TCR-T、外周血淋巴细胞(PBL)等T源细胞的快速扩增,且可维持良好的细胞活率;

  • 支持从临床前开发到生产的规模放大;

  • 提供完整申报支持文档、全套方法学验证报告等文件,已完成FDA DMF备案。

  • 6孔板体系下的PBMC来源T细胞培养方案

Human PBMCs were cultured with GMP Human IL-2 Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-L02H14) with CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101) or T cell culture medium (Competitor L +2.5% SR) for two weeks. The result shows that CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems) can be comparable with the Competitor L +2.5% SR. Notably, the cells exhibits better expansion in CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101).

Human PBMCs were cultured with CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101) or T cell culture medium (Competitor L +2.5% SR) for two weeks. The result shows that CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems) can be comparable with the Competitor L +2.5% SR.

  • T225瓶体系下的PBMC来源T细胞培养方案

Human PBMCs were cultured with GMP Human IL-2 Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-L02H14) with CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101 & GMP-CM3101-1) for two weeks. The result shows that CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium with GMP Human IL-2 Protein can promote the expansion of these cells with a reasonable cell viability.

Human PBMCs were cultured with GMP Human IL-2 Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-L02H14) with CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101 & GMP-CM3101-1) for two weeks. The result shows that CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion Medium with GMP Human IL-2 Protein can increase the percentage of the CD3+ cells. With the post-culture time, the proportion of CD4 cells gradually decreased, and the proportion of CD8 cells gradually increased.

  • 3L体系下的PBMC来源T细胞培养方案

Human PBMCs were activated using 0.2 µg/mL GMP Monoclonal Anti-Human CD3 Antibody (OKT3) (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-MC0323) and 1 µg/mL GMP Monoclonal Anti-Human CD28 Antibody (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-MC2824), cultured with CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion culture medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101) supplemented with 500 IU/mL GMP Human IL-2 Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-L02H14) for two weeks. The results showed that GMP human IL-2 protein, GMP monoclonal anti-human CD3 antibody (OKT3), GMP monoclonal anti-human CD28 antibody and CelThrea™ GMP T cell expansion medium could be used to culture T cells in a 3L large system. It can efficiently expand cells with high viability.

Human CD3 Antibody (OKT3) (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-MC0323) and 1 µg/mL GMP Monoclonal Anti-Human CD28 Antibody (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-MC2824) and cultured in CelThera™ GMP T Cell Expansion culture medium (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-CM3101) supplemented with 500 IU/mL GMP Human IL-2 Protein (ACROBiosystems, Cat. No. GMP-L02H14) for two weeks. The result shows that percentage of CD3+ cells in living cells is above 99%. At the end of the culture process, the majority memory phenotype of T cells is TN/SCM, followed by TCM, which means that the cell harvest will have a promising effect, such as sustained proliferation, prolonged survival, and so on.




