HLA-A*0201 & B2M & CMV pp65 (NLVPMVATV)分子背景
Cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus) is a herpes viral DNA virus. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) can only infect humans and multiply in humans. The antibodies. After primary infection with CMV, the body can produce specific antibodies and killer T lymphocytes to activate NM cells. The antibody has limited CMV replication ability and has a certain resistance to reinfection of the same strain, but cannot resist the activation of antibody-dependent virus and the exogenous infection of other different strains of CMV. However, specific killer T lymphocytes and antibody-dependent cytotoxic cells can exert the greatest antiviral effect. The Human HLA-A*0201 CMV (NLVPMVATV) complex protein is a complex of HLA-A*0201 of the MHC Class I, B2M, and NLVPMVATV peptide of the CMV.