

  • 属性

    Protein (3)

  • 产品库

    在线 (3)

  • 物种

    Human (3)

  • 标签

    His Tag (1)Fc Tag (1)Fc Tag & Avi Tag (1)

  • 标记

    Unconjugated (2)Biotin-labeled (1)

共 3 项数据
  • 1


Poliovirus receptor-related 3 (PVRL3), also known as nectin-3 and CD113, is a human protein of the immunoglobulin superfamily which forms part of adherens junctions. Nectins are immunoglobulin-like adhesion molecules that interact with afadin (AF6; MIM 159559). Afadin is an actin filament-binding protein that connects nectins to the actin cytoskeleton. The nectin-afadin system organizes adherens junctions cooperatively with the cadherin system in epithelial cells. PVRL3 plays a role in cell-cell adhesion through heterophilic trans-interactions with nectin-like proteins or nectins, such as trans-interaction with PVRL2/nectin-2 at Sertoli-spermatid junctions. Furthermore, PVRL3 induces endocytosis-mediated down-regulation of PVR from the cell surface, resulting in reduction of cell movement and proliferation.


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