
  • 属性

    Protein (1)

  • 产品库

    在线 (1)

  • 物种

    Human (1)

  • 标签

    His Tag (1)

  • 标记

    Unconjugated (1)

共 1 项数据
  • 1


The transmembrane protein, TCR, comprise of two disulphide-linked polypeptide chains: a α and β chain, a γ and δ chain. Each polypeptide chain consists of a variable and a constant region. TRGC2 is the constant region of T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma chain. It recognizes the non-peptide antigens frequently expressed at the epithelial boundaries, which means the antigens activating γδ T cells are mostly MHC independent. A wide range of γδ T cell functions have been described in humans and mice, including skin and mucosal epithelial wound repair, induction of tolerance, cytotoxicity and the production of various cytokines that regulate immune responses.
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